Friday 12 November 2010

Struggling to stay in the Moment…

…I do WANT to communicate and I DO want the quality of the communication to be worth the time someone might take to read it.

And this is where the Inner Critic Kicks In – like a physical blow – knocking my SELF confidence and reminding me of the futility of it all.  All this communication is really another cry from the EGO – struggling to be heard as an individual.

Look at me - I´m different, I´m special, I´m creative, I´m loved ---


i´m being laughed at , i´m stupid, i´m worthless

Anyhow, enough to this self indulgent stuff and a reminder first to my self with a little more Stream of Consciousness stuff.  (Should have put it on my Hallowquest blog really, as I went off on a tarot thought wave – never mind.)

Come back into the BODY to ground yourself from time to time. Come back in FULLY – feel yourself entering your body. Become yourSELF.

At these times of being fully in your body, use all your senses to examine your physical environment fully (Pentacles); check on your Emotional balance (Libra) – aim for CALM awareness – anger may rise, or joy, or fear – let them pass – they are just Emotions – not I (Cups); how is your Energy, are you tired or Energised (Wands); finally watch your Thoughts (Swords) – literally Observe them, as what they are – products of the EGO – Observe and get beyond them to the true SELF.

Come back into the BODY to ground yourself from time to time. Come back in FULLY – feel yourself entering your body. Become yourSELF.

…and second, of the amazing Psychic TV in 1982, with Ov Power from force the hand of chance.

And check out the album cover – my late entry for the Day of the Dead (scroll down a bit) haha


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