Saturday 21 September 2013

DOWN THE SIDE OF THE SOFA and other dark places (Bringing your shadow into the light so we can all have a laugh!)

A split keyboard hampering my PROCESS I struggle to get these first words down, a Start in the battle with my shadow who I've called GODWIT. I debated whether old shads should be named Godwitt or maybe Godwyt to make it read like a like a Kindle "freebie", but then the majesty of my life jolted me from my self- importance.  The family of Booted Eagles passed overhead again.  Sat in a hammock in a forest, the Truth of my everydays, this family have been calling and circling overhead for the last week, their instinct finely tuned, as mine was in that moment, to the wheel of the year. The psytrance season almost over, while soon, only echoes will remain, of the tasteless sounds of Pimba music from the sanatario (sanctuary). Soon nature itself will show its feral under belly, and the Hag of Yntall will crawl again from the shadowy earth.

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