Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Don't Trust us to Sex

Sad to admit, but for the third time we managed to identify a kitten as male, when it turned out to be female. Oh dear!  I'm not proud, but I am happy that sweet little Lenny Leonardo, turned out to be Lena Leanora.

To be fair, ginger cats are commonly male but, as we have a track record in this department, this has to be discounted. Don't trust us - we don't know the difference in cat bits! That aside, we did manage to raise this little darling by hand, after she was found dumped in the rubbish bin.  Love her either way.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Moonlight Savings Hours

Has anyone thought of moonlight savings hours?  Of turning down the power of streetlamps and general lighting, as the moon wanes?  I have no idea if this would save much power but I imagine it could.  Aside from that aspect though, wouldn't it make or psyches feel better?

I just went out into the lovely moonlight to walk the dog.  The night is balmy already, insects are vibrating the air, yet the sickly orange light from three street lamps distracts from her lovely presence.  I understand about the feeling for security that streetlight gives us, both in cities and in rural areas like mine.  If lighting can be sensitive to sunlight, I'm sure it could be to moonlight too, and when the moon is at her fullest, tiny glowlamps to mark the pathways, would be all that were needed.

Does anyone agree with this idea or, has someone already thought of it?

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Quote Works for Me

Peter De Vries

“Sometimes I write drunk and revise sober, and sometimes I write sober and revise drunk. But you have to have both elements in creation — the Apollonian and the Dionysian, or spontaneity and restraint, emotion and discipline.”

― Peter De VriesReuben, Reuben
This quote works for all kinds of creativity in my experience and also for getting high rather than drunk lol