Monday, 22 February 2010


A little witches protection bottle, rose quartz heart and recharging my attraction magnet.
Some very strange ingredients in the bottle - mostly secret and should remain so.

Essence of Self

I have been considering what makes up my true essence - considering for many years. I want to record my thoughts, to add to the trail for others to follow.

I took some photos tonight with the new camera - only know how to work it on auto so far, so the pictures were grainy. I decided to play around with the basic tools in picasa and found I could add a quick caption to give a pointer to where my mind was rambling at that time.
Here is one - my favourite:

I thought the grainyness made it look like canvas - and I would like to paint this one day. Still Life with Lemons and Apples.

Where am I going with this?

It´s been so long ....

Never apologise, I was once told; because those who hate you won´t believe your excuse, and those who love you, don´t need any excuse.

I´m having one of those, hmm, where am I going next nights. Sort of in the flow, but it´s a bit fast. In danger of getting over-excited about ... what?